Aaron B Belowich

Matches: 1-20   21-40   41-60  61-79

Completed Matches

Partners/ Opponents:
From to
Match Date Winner Rating Opponent Rating Score Individual Doubles
10/09/21 Aaron B Belowich
Kendra Appleheimer
4.484Moonshine Tony
Jira Laprat
ACTA Fall 2021 A Division | If you want Soft Serve, go to Dairy Queen  | Team ServeAces Calories=~581
10/02/21 Jessica Nagasako
David Todd
4.574Aaron B Belowich
Melissa Parks
ACTA Fall 2021 A Division | Spoilers  | If you want Soft Serve, go to Dairy Queen Calories=~388
05/23/21 Miguel Lejeune
Nathan Leslie
4.566Aaron B Belowich
DeMark Schulze
ACTA Spring 2021 A Division | Tweeners  | If you want Soft Serve, go to Dairy Queen Calories=~388
05/15/21 Will C Edman
Aaron B Belowich
ACTA Spring 2021 A Division | If you want Soft Serve, go to Dairy Queen  | Goldfinger Calories=~0
05/02/21 Aaron B Belowich
Kendal Robinson
4.464Elizabeth Vermillion
Timothy Effio
ACTA Spring 2021 A Division | If you want Soft Serve, go to Dairy Queen  | La Maree Rouge Calories=~581
10/17/20 Ricardo Duran
Mark Hastings
4.606Aaron B Belowich
Will C Edman
ACTA Fall 2020 A Division | Tweeners  | If you want Soft Serve, go to Dairy Queen Calories=~323
09/20/20 Aaron B Belowich
DeMark Schulze
4.392G. Richard Gold
Carlos Olivos
ACTA Fall 2020 A Division | If you want Soft Serve, go to Dairy Queen  | Goldfinger Calories=~388
01/18/20 Byron Levy
Hunter Anderson
0.000Aaron B Belowich
Samuel De Gosztonyi
ACTA Winter 2020 A Division | La Maree Rouge  | If you want Soft Serve, go to Dairy Queen Calories=~388
01/03/20 Aaron B Belowich
Elizabeth Gerber
ACTA Winter 2020 A Division | If you want Soft Serve, go to Dairy Queen  | Spoilers Calories=~0
11/10/19(P) Jeff Buhl
Jessica Nagasako
4.630Aaron B Belowich
Andreea Slusarciuc
ACTA Fall 2019 A Division | Spoilers  | If you want Soft Serve, go to Dairy Queen Calories=~581
10/19/19 Nathan Leslie
Lenny Mayor
4.536Aaron B Belowich
Samuel De Gosztonyi
ACTA Fall 2019 A Division | Tweeners  | If you want Soft Serve, go to Dairy Queen Calories=~323
10/12/19 Mario G Ceste
Carlos Olivos
4.454Aaron B Belowich
Benjamin Weiser
ACTA Fall 2019 A Division | Goldfinger  | If you want Soft Serve, go to Dairy Queen Calories=~323
09/07/19 Aaron B Belowich
Ryann Kim
4.518Brett Hine
Byron Levy
ACTA Fall 2019 A Division | If you want Soft Serve, go to Dairy Queen  | La Maree Rouge Calories=~581
09/05/19 Daniel Russell
Ye Hu
4.738Aaron B Belowich
Melissa Parks
ACTA Summer 2019 A Division | Tai-breakers  | If you want Soft Serve, go to Dairy Queen Calories=~388
08/08/19 Aaron B Belowich
Meghan E Buell
4.786Tara Jakubik
John Platt
ACTA Summer 2019 A Division | If you want Soft Serve, go to Dairy Queen  | La Maree Rouge Calories=~323
07/18/19 Aaron B Belowich
Cassie Mercer
4.768Christopher Tai
Marcel Pieters
ACTA Summer 2019 A Division | If you want Soft Serve, go to Dairy Queen  | Tai-breakers Calories=~323
06/16/19(P) Heather Carr
Jan Neumann
4.656Aaron B Belowich
Elizabeth Gerber
ACTA Spring 2019 A Division | Goldfinger  | If you want Soft Serve, go to Dairy Queen Calories=~581
06/15/19(P) Elizabeth Gerber
Aaron B Belowich
4.542Christopher Lamm
Michelle Kinney
ACTA Spring 2019 A Division | If you want Soft Serve, go to Dairy Queen  | Spoilers Calories=~388
06/02/19 Hunter Anderson
Michael Cole
4.744Aaron B Belowich
Alec Hoblitzell
ACTA Spring 2019 A Division | Love Forty  | If you want Soft Serve, go to Dairy Queen Calories=~388
05/19/19 Aaron B Belowich
Samuel De Gosztonyi
4.532Mark Hastings
Miguel Lejeune
ACTA Spring 2019 A Division | If you want Soft Serve, go to Dairy Queen  | Tweeners Calories=~323
Total Reported Matches: 79
* recorded match
Matches: 1-20   21-40   41-60  61-79

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571-245-1150 | ittjsmith@gmail.com